The Kiwi: A Mystery Bird

Don't you love kiwi's ?? Well, you're in for a treat because that's what todays post is about!

But, we're talking about a different type of kiwi. This is a kiwi: 

Kiwi - BBC Good Food  Wait, Nope wrong one... Okay this is the Kiwi we meant:

7 Curious Facts That Prove Kiwis Are Amazing Little Birds - The Dodo

The Kiwi is the bird of new Zealand . You may wonder" A bird without wings?!, No such thing" But that is incorrect, The Kiwi does have wings. The Kiwi has tiny hidden wings that are too small for flying . That wont make us love them any less!  Kiwi Feathers are so loose they're more like fur. No other bird has nostrils at the end of it's beak. Kiwi birds are quite aggressive . Male Kiwi's use their claws for fending off others and to protect their eggs. Kiwi's have strong legs that make them very capable of swimming. Unfortunately there are only about 68,000 kiwi's left on New Zealand . Which is why we have to do everything we can to save them.

Credit must go to Monica B


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