
    ROTAVIRUS - Ammara H. Emmanuel B. Monica B.

  Have you ever heard of Rotavirus? Well if not, you’re learning today! Rotavirus is a very contagious virus that can cause diarrhea. 

 Most Infants and 1- 5 year old's get it from not washing their hands and then hand to mouth contact.  Some get it from eating contaminated food. Rotavirus usually lasts 3-7 days but could always be longer if severe.  People Below you will find information about Rotavirus.


                                           Symptoms of Rotavirus

  • decreased urination.

  • dry mouth and throat

  • Sudden dizziness when standing up.

  • crying with few or no tears and.

  • unusual sleepiness or fussiness. 

  • Watery diarrhea (often pollute smelling, green or brown)

          How to to treat Rotavirus and stop it from spreading

Rotavirus is not resolved from medication, however it is possible to treat the symptoms. To stop the diarrhea drink plenty of fluids. Then ask your doctor for an oral rehydration fluid that can also be known as Pedialyte or Infalyte. You should also have your kids wash their hand properly after any activity to prevent spreading and wash all toys and surfaces with hot soapy water and disinfect with 1 teaspoon (500ml) of bleach, or you can use a national Disinfectant called “Lysol 

 Can you catch Rotavirus again?

40% of children don't catch it after the natural infection being that

there are different rotavirus types.   

                                        Rotavirus Vaccine                                                  


There are 2 types of rotavirus vaccines The first one is RotaTeq which

is given in 3 doses . The second one is Rotarix which is given in 2 doses.

The first dose of any of the vaccines should be given before the child is 15 months

of age. Children should receive all doses before 8 years of age. You should

not take the vaccine if your child has health problems,  the child is currently on

medications, or if you have concerns about the vaccine.  If these are any

of the things

your child also has to contact your child's doctor to see if it is safe for

the child to take the vaccine. The vaccine may have some side effects such as temporary diarrhea or if severe bowel blockage which is treated at the hospital.

Credits must go to Ammara H., Emmanuel B., and Monica B.


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